Susan Clare photographs the natural world with an emphasis on birds. She uses photography as a way to quietly observe the world, stay present in the moment, and enjoy the beauty around us. She also finds the continually evolving world of digital photography a great way to engage the left brain. While an avid learner of new techniques, she keeps her images lightly edited and hopes to engage the viewer with subjects as they appear in nature.
Susan has been a member of the Boston Camera Club for six years and is very grateful for the support and feedback she has received from fellow members and competition judges. Before joining the club, she participated in a variety of workshops and photography courses, most notably a course in Venice, Italy organized by Holly Smith Pedlosky. Photography has been a lifelong pursuit for Susan. She had a darkroom at home for many years, which she gladly gave up with the advent of digital cameras.
Susan participates in birding trips in Central America and the Caribbean in hopes of capturing images of tiny elusive flying creatures. When she is not making images of birds, she drops in on small restaurant kitchens to take photos of very busy creatures, mainly cooks at work.
Purple Painted Passion Flower