I am particularly drawn to the natural beauty of the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain and Roslindale. This Boston treasure, featuring thousands of species of flora from around the world, offers boundless opportunity to explore the natural world. I relish wandering the grounds with my camera, in all four seasons, in fair weather and foul, examining the park’s continuously shifting dynamic. Sometimes I have a direct purpose, as the time is right to photograph a particular subject I had previously noted, or to return to subjects that I have already photographed successfully to observe how they have changed since I last visited them. Other times I have no direct purpose – I’m out exploring because the light and scenery compel me to. Still other times I am simply scouting subjects, imagining what conditions and compositions would best complement their features.
I feel fortunate to have such a wonderful natural resource as the Arnold Arboretum available.
Red Leaf Japanese Maple
Roberta Logan
Conversation on a Sunday Afternoon
Mission Hill Women’s Writing Group
Enveloped in fall’s burnished gold,
Your rosy crown beckons me.
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Janell Fiarman
October Afternoon
Never Too Late to be a Poet
The maple leaves give the Arb the glow of backlit stained-glass,
Snakebark maple for yellow...
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