Joel Dorfman

I first became interested in photography in high school, when a relative gave me a Russian knock-off of the classic Leica rangefinder. It was all manual, with a match needle, Selenium light meter on top. Armed with Tri-X film, I learned the basics, greatly aided by my stint as a school Yearbook photographer. I still remember the wonder of seeing my first Kodachrome, in all its 3-D, trans-illuminated splendor or that B&W print coming up in the tray! I love to walk around now with my compact digital camera and find interesting images in relatively ordinary places. My banner shot is at the post-season, lonely, and cinder block bathhouse at Sagamore Beach. The image is lit with the circular blue sky (with wispy clouds) beaming an oval spotlight on the concrete grid. There is a great creative feeling when a picture comes together on the LCD screen! Digital has improved my photography and enjoyment, but I still shoot sparingly, as if with film, trying to make each image a keeper with only basic post-processing.

Yehuda Inbar - Stata Center, MIT

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Marsha Kaminsky
Sky Light
Never Too Late to be a Poet

What’s a portal if not an illusion of striated blue possibilities, a Rorschach talking point
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